Members of the National Science Ethics Committee

Mette Hartlev
Mette Hartlev
S: Chairperson - Professor of Health Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Cand.jur., Ph.D., Dr. Jur
Thomas G. Jensen
Thomas G. Jensen
S: Vice-Chairperson - Head of the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Professor, Dr. Med. DMSc, MPG
Anne-Marie Axø Gerdes
Anne-Marie Axø Gerdes
S: Professor, Senior Consultant, Ph.D., Department of Clinical Genetics, Rigshospitalet
Claus Ekstrøm
S: Professor at the Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Finn Cilius Nielsen
S: Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen
Jesper Ryberg
Jesper Ryberg
S: Professor of Ethics and Legal Philosophy, Dr. phil., Ph.D.
Kenneth Nielsen
S: Regional Committee Zealand, lay member in the regional committee, (member of the Regional Council)
Kirsten Ohm Kyvik
Kirsten Ohm Kyvik
S: Professor, visiting researcher, head of the Clinical Institute, University of Southern Denmark, physician, Ph.D., MPM.
Klaus Bønnelykke
Klaus Bønnelykke
S: Senior Consultant, Ph.D., specialist in pediatrics, clinical research lecturer at the University of Copenhagen
Lise Kirstine Gormsen
S: Ph.D., M.D., MHH, Associate Professor, Chief Medical Officer in charge of education at Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Clinical Medicine, Functional Disorders
Mads Hermansen
Mads Hermansen
S: Director, Dr. Ped., Authorized Psychologist, Professor at the University of Agder
Marlene Briciet Lauritsen
S: RVK N, Clinical Professor, Clinical Institute, Head of Research Unit for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Aalborg, Member of the Regional Committee
Last updated 01-02-2024